Employment basics for P&Cs

Webinar for P&C Association Office Bearers
Tuesday 15 November 7:00-8:00 pm AEDT

Webinar overview

Employing staff can be complex, daunting, and potentially risky for P&C Associations. This webinar, designed for P&C Association Office Bearers, will discuss:

  • the benefits of employing staff
  • your obligations as an employer
  • the risks associated with being an employer
  • the bare minimum requirements to employ, and
  • Where can I get help?

At the conclusion of the presentation, there will be the opportunity for attendees to ask questions. You will also have the option to pre-submit your questions at registration. Please note that the cut-off for pre-submitted questions is 12:00 pm on 15 November


The webinar will be presented by:

Natasha Hawker
Director, Senior HR Practitioner
Employee Matters

Tim Spencer
Senior Advisor, Policy & Research
P&C Federation

To register

Registrations are now open for this webinar. If you can’t attend, the webinar will be recorded, and all registrants will be notified once the recording is available for viewing in the Member Portal.

Registrations close 15 November at midday AEDT
Please note that this webinar is for P&C Federation members only and is available to P&C Association Office Bearers.

Tim Spencer
Senior Advisor – Policy & Research, P&C Federation NSW

Tim has been an active participant in P&C Associations for over 14 years, being P&C president at both his children’s primary and high schools during that time. Tim was elected as a P&C Federation councillor for the North West Electorate in 2014 and held a position on the P&C Federation board for 7 years. Tim has been a parent representative on the Board of Studies, NESA Curriculum and School Registration Committees, as well as various Department of Education committees and groups. Tim was elected P&C Federation – Vice President in 2018, becoming P&C Federation – President in late 2019 and retiring from the board in July 2021. Tim is currently employed by P&C Federation as Senior Advisor Policy & Research.

Natasha Hawker
Director, Senior HR Practitioner, Employee Matters

Expert in Employment Relations, recruitment, performance management, terminations and mediation. Natasha has been quoted in articles for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the Australian Financial Review and the Huffington Post and she has often been interviewed on the radio, including the ABC. Standard Mental Health Australia First Aider. Natasha is a recent graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors course (GAICD) and achieved an Order of Merit result.
Natasha is a sought after speaker and has a proven track record of educating and engaging audiences both small and large around the country.