As part of Dental Health Week, P&C Federation Is co-hosting this webinar with NSW Health to give parents and carers the opportunity to hear about the services provided at NSW Health public dental clinics.
NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program
Webinar for parents and carers
Dental Health Week 1-7 August
Webinar overview
All children under 18 years of age can access free dental care provided by NSW Health at public dental clinics. In addition, from July 2019 children attending participating primary schools in NSW will have access to free dental care through the NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program (PSMDP).
To celebrate Dental Health Week, NSW Health will be sharing information about the PSMDP and other dental health promotional activities.
More information about these services can be found on the NSW Health website.
The webinar will be presented by:
- Naomi Wilson, Policy and Project Officer, NSW Health, Centre for Oral Health Strategy
The webinar will be facilitated by Natalie Walker, P&C Federation President.
To register
Registrations are now open for this webinar. If you can’t attend, the webinar will be recorded, and all registrants will be notified once the recording is available for viewing.
We look forward to you joining this webinar and encourage you to promote the webinar through your local school communities.

Natalie Walker
President, P&C Federation
Natalie Walker is the Far West Councillor & elected President of NSW P&C Federation. She resides in Forbes, Central West NSW, with her husband and two children who attend Forbes High School. Natalie is also an active member of Forbes High School P&C Association, currently in the role of Secretary.
As a passionate advocate for (and product of) public education, Natalie is deeply committed through her professional and volunteer work to ensuring all children and young people get the best start in life. Based in NSW, this means her effort is focussed on strengthening the foundations of key organisations – and particularly the NSW P&C Federation – as valuable stakeholders, partners and contributors to NSW public schools and the system they operate in.