This webinar is a joint presentation between the NSW Department of Education and P&C Federation NSW to provide up-to-date information for all P&C Associations and parent-run OSHC providers who are interested in transitioning the OSHC service to operate under the P&C Association. The webinar will cover the background for the changes and provide an overview of the considerations needed for transfer. The webinar will also cover support for transitioning, including templates and transitional grants.
Transitioning an OSHC Service to a P&C

Tim Spencer
Tim has been an active participant in P&C Associations for over 14 years, being P&C president at both his children’s primary and high schools during that time. Tim was elected as a P&C Federation councillor for the North West Electorate in 2014 and held a position on the P&C Federation board for 7 years. Tim has been a parent representative on the Board of Studies, NESA Curriculum and School Registration Committees, as well as various Department of Education committees and groups. Tim was elected P&C Federation – Vice President in 2018, becoming P&C Federation – President in late 2019 and retiring from the board in July 2021. Tim is currently employed by P&C Federation as Senior Advisor Policy & Research.

Anthony Futia
Anthony is the Director, Early Childhood, Canteens and Uniforms at School Infrastructure NSW providing leadership, strategic direction and advice that ensures the Department’s existing and future property, procurement and contract management for early childhood services, canteen and uniform stores on NSW Government school sites, supports the strategic growth and educational priorities of the department, and that the portfolio’s ongoing management is strategically and effectively executed. The role is also responsible for the delivery of the NSW Government’s Before and After School Care (BASC) Reform commitment.